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Alfix wins business award, Den Sydjyske Erhvervspris


The regional business center, Erhvervhus Sydjylland, in collaboration with the newspaper Jyske Vestkysten, has awarded the South Jutland Business Award "Den Sydjyske Erhvervspris" in the categories: Digitalization, export, and green transition. Alfix was honored with the award in the Green Transition category.

Read more about the awards and the three winners on the Business House South Jutland website: Click here

A sustained effort lies behind
Alfix has for over 20 years continuously worked to implement responsible measures. A sustained effort that has also led to a certification for the global goals, which according to Anders B. Toft is of great importance for Alfix's future development:

"One and a half years ago, we were certified for the global goals by Bureau Veritas. The certification compels us to adhere to our strategically chosen global goals and sub-goals. And to continuously ensure progress in the chosen areas of effort. We cannot just settle for doing the same as we did yesterday or last year – for if we stand still, we go backwards in terms of the points we achieve in connection with the global goals certification."

For reference, see the latest certification report from Bureau Veritas: Click here

Thanks and congratulations
At Alfix, we are filled with pride, gratitude, and humility for having received the award. We send a big thank you to Erhvervshus Sydjylland and Jyske Vestkysten for the recognition and congratulate Caféu and SwipBox on their awards in the categories of digitalization and export.

In the picture, you see CEO Anders B. Toft at the award ceremony, which took place in Vojens on May 2, 2024.

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